A Greener Tomorrow

Purchasing from local store, co-ops and independent distributor allows you to follow the delivery route your products take to you. Did you realize that purchasing from the #1 health and wellness company, Shaklee, is a great way to do this and support your local economy?

Shaklee is Climate Neutral(c)-certified, meaning that every step of the way, from harvest to manufacturing to package delivery is certified to not give off excess carbon into the atmosphere. Products are sustainably sourced, tested at two points in manufacturing for 386 chemicals, and minimally packaged to further reduce waste and pollution.

"Investing" your purchases with a local Shaklee distributor who you shares your concern for the environment allows you to control the carbon chain of your purchases. It also invests your money in the local economy, as it supports a local entrepreneur. That entrepreneur is active in connecting with and supporting other local enterprises in the area, as well as supporting their family while working from home.